20 Things For Your College Visit Checklist

After submitting your college applications, essays, and gathering recommendations, you will soon be making your final college decision! With several weeks to notify colleges of your decision, it may be wise to visit the colleges you are considering as an accepted student. In contrast to earlier college tours, your questions as an accepted student will likely be more detail oriented.
Here’s a checklist to make sure you get answers to all the important questions that will help you make your acceptance decision:
1. Write down and be aware of orientation: dates, location, agenda and accommodations.
2. Learn about organizations for students with similar interests.
3. Ask how promptly academic feedback is received.
4. Get a calendar of semester events.
5. Ask what/if any are the hidden costs.
6. Ask about retention rate.
7. Ask about campus safety and precautions the school takes to enforce safety.
8. Find the career center, job placement services offered and internship experiences offered.
9. Ask if students participate in community based projects.
10. Ask how credit for AP, IB and/or college level courses that you have completed can be obtained.
11. Ask what efforts the college puts in place to promote diversity.
12. Visit the college/school/department of the major you were accepted into and see if they provide honors courses.
13. Preview dorms and locations, and learn how roommates are assigned.
14. For the college you ultimately choose, pay the housing deposit.
15. Review what you may have missed on your first visit (recreation center, student union, counseling center, health care facility).
16. Talk to other students on campus and through social media, and ask about their experience at the university.
17. Audit a course.
18. Look through the campus newspaper (this can be done online in most cases, too).
19. Eat a meal where students typically eat.
20. Have fun and enjoy yourself!
The final college decision is not easy. In addition to preferences on campus, there are also financial considerations. Remember, if you are an accepted student, that college wants you! Go ahead and ask any questions that will ultimately make you more comfortable, happy and successful.